Wednesday, July 3, 2013

DP through the wheel of the year- Week One

I'm going to try following the Through the Wheel of the Year Guide to keep me on track.  Since we attended the summer solstice ritual in June,  my plan is to start doubling up weeks until we reach Lughnasadh so that can be my second High Holy Day, which would make it Week 9 in the guide. Its ambitious but I think I can do it.

Week One Homework Questions:

1.  Why have you chosen to take the first steps on the Dedicant's Path?

I have chosen to take the first steps on the Dedicant's Path because I have always desired a structure to my spirituality, but have yet to find the truly right fit.  I didn't find it in Catholicism or Unitarian Universalism.  In Catholicism the dogma was too rigid, in UU the spirituality was too loose.  Attending an ADF ritual felt like the right fit, so I wanted to learn more.  After looking into ADF and the Dedicant's path is seems like it is a good mix- I get to control the path but there is a structure and guideline to follow.  I feel the call to dedicate myself to something beyond me and my family.

2.  Is this a step on your path, or will this become the path itself?

I hope that this will be just the beginning.  Looking into the future, I can see myself becoming involved in various guilds.  I'm hoping that this will give me the necessary background and foundation for druidry to be a core part of who I am.

3.  What do you expect to learn?

I expect to learn techniques for ritual.  I expect to learn the history of druidry and paganism, as well as the history of various hearth cultures.  I expect to become more familiar with the shining ones, their mythology, and how it impacts my world. 

4.  What would you like to get out of this journey?

I would like to develop a better understanding of my core values and beliefs.  I would like to develop a connection with a patron deity.  I would like to establish a daily devotional practice.  I want to develop a pattern for ritual that I can use on my own, with my family, and in a public setting.

5. Do you know where this path will take you?

I have hopes and ideas but I don't think I can really know where it is going to lead... and that is exciting. 

6.  If you have been in ADF for a long time, why are you starting now?

I only joined a few weeks ago. 

7. Does it look hard or easy?

It looks challenging. 

8.  Which requirements appear to be difficult to you know, and which appear to be easy?

The difficult requirements will be opening myself up to the inner work and the unknown, and particularly my fear of doing it wrong.  I'm not afraid of the scholarly requirements.  I actually miss being a student and in school so I think this will scratch that itch.

9.  Do you have doubts, questions, or concerns that you need to ask about?

My doubt is simply questioning whether I can stay focused with all the busyness that is my life... work, a toddler, a baby due in October, family obligations, etc.  But I am hopeful that the dedicant path and taking time to focus on my spirituality will keep me better prepared to handle all those other things. 

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